Once you've installed the Atfarm mobile app on your mobile device and added your farms and fields to your Atfarm account, you can start analysing your crops with your smartphone or tablet camera.
Please note before you start:
- At the moment we don't take fertiliser restrictions into account for the N-Photo Analysis. When fertilising your crops, please remember to take into account the maximum nitrogen requirement according to government fertiliser restrictions.
- The field must be free of weeds to give a representative result.
- Cereals: Only measure crops from BBCH 20-30 with 12-30 cm row spacing.
- Oil seed rape: Only measure crops with green, unrolled leaves, a crop height of 5-60 cm and a row spacing of up to 50 cm.
Follow these steps to analyse your crops with the N-Photo Analysis:
- Log in to the Atfarm mobile app on your mobile device.
- Select the desired farm in the farm overview.
- Select the desired field in the field overview.
- Scroll down on the field page and click Begin Photo Analysis.
- Cereals: Select the growth stage from the first dropdown. Oil seed rape: Select Before winter or After winter for the measurement date.
- Oil seed rape: Select the crop height in cm from the dropdown.
- Oil seed rape: Select Low, Medium or High for the supply of nitrogen from the soil.
- Oil seed rape: Select the yield expectation in t/ha from the next dropdown.
- Oil seed rape after winter: Select the N-uptake before winter in kg N/ha from the next dropdown.
- Click Initiate analysis.
- Click Start measurement.
- Allow Atfarm to use your camera and location.
- Atfarm needs access to your camera to take the photos for analysis.
- As the nitrogen recommendations are not only crop specific, but also country and region specific, we need to know where your fields are located.
- The camera will open.
- Walk through your field and take representative photos of your crop by clicking the blue shutter button.
- See examples of how a good photo should look here.
- You can get a good recommendation with just one photo, but the more photos you take, the more representative the results will be. Please take 5-10 photos per field.
- Hold your mobile device parallel to the ground and 1 to 1.5 m above the canopy.
- If it's too sunny, cover your crop with your own shadow to avoid overexposure and falsified results.
- Keep boots, tools or anything that doesn't belong to your crop out of the photo to avoid inaccurate results.
- Click Get results when you've taken enough photos.
- The nitrogen uptake in kg N/ha (cereals)/nitrogen recommendation in kg N/ha (oil seed rape) for your crop is displayed on your screen.
- The recommendation is saved under Photo Analysis on the field page.
- Oil seed rape: Below the recommendation, you can see the amount of nitrogen in kg N/ha your crop has taken up and the approximate green fresh matter in t/ha.
- Click Show more insights to see the inputs you entered for the measurement.
- Click Repeat analysis to repeat the measurement.
- Click the 3 dots in the top right corner and select Delete photo analysis to delete the measurement.
Winter wheat
Oil seed rape
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